Yos, miss me right, i know so i come to post as soon as i am free =D
went to npcc camp. the camp is like leisure camp and not training camp, damn slack can. we go there keep eating der. eat this eat that, sure fat der lor. and i nvr sleep for 2 straight nights. okay lah, got dose off abit but not like sleeping like that can =D so can count 2 days ler lah =D
19o3o9 (1st day of camp)
went there in the morning,
help with the tent building,
then dunno what happen till dinner,
skip dinner cos went to set up the night trail thingy. set up a crawl station. and people must crawl under the height of a canteen bench. and the bench is like lower then my knee level. tried it and found it tiring, then we lay ground sheets on the bench so they canno see inside from outside and outside from inside =D and after the night trail, alot say the most fun station is that. i was like ''of cause lah, me and the instructors make wan leh. how can not fun'' =D
then is light off
2oo3o9 (2nd day of camp)
morning i went home to bath =P-------------------------jealous ar, bleahs
came back and attend the MOI talk,
the talk is for the campers der mah the had before last time liao,
so sat behind and play psp the whole time =D-----------jealous ar, bleahs
had drills,
prepare for camp fire,
we make a fire ball which roll down in to the pit to light the campfire =D
chio right? i know =D
then is lights out ler,
but nvr sleep, went to buy mac instead =D--------------jealous ar, bleahs
slack in basketball court,
then all fall asleep,
then left me and weirong awake only,
watch him play psp,
then i go light the mosuito coil for alicia,darrel,yikai,faye,jeremy and eugene,
so must thank me hor,
the mosquito must keep light so no sleep the 2nd night too =D
21o3o9 (break camp)
eat breakfast,
clean up,
prize presentation,
went to rp to eat lunch =D
oh yea, we test out a teambuilding game and it work =D
its cool and we are like kinda in the air like that,
erm 4 person will sit on chair and lie on each other leg,
then another person will go round and pull away the chair and this will happen =D

now is 3 person der =D
cool right???
i have been hiding it for quite sometime ler but i think i will tell u readers =D
okay dont be surprise, but i know u will, about the things that i wan to tell u is that i have found my other half =D
i think some of u know and some of u dun know =D
and she is
ALICIA NG YU SHAN some of u will be very surprise, i know, but its true
love started for me on o9o2o9 =P
and i believe it will not end =P

♥Darling, thanks for everything♥
Muahahahahaha @
6:22 PM