Yoz =) I am BACK !!!
first of all i wish everyone a
andand this is going to be a long post =)
went to kukup in malaysia yesterday, kukup is like a small village for fish farmers which is aka kaylong...that place was so cool lar
the journey to kukup was a 1hr 20min bus ride from JB. We went to eat at the restaurant there when we reach =) that place was full of FLYS...damn alot
while eating we were waving our other free hand to keep the flys away so is like doing exercise while eating...
next we board the ship that take us to where we stay..when we go that time is in the noon so its high tide and below the house is all the sea water...
played poker till around 5 and went out to see the scenery. when we came out it was low tide period and all the water below the house was gone. the water has retreat backwards about 50m from before...cool right??
and i love that place because there is no rubbish bin. if u wan to throw something,
just dump them in the water.the tour guide told us this der xD. and everyone in the village was also doing the same thing. we ate durian and all the sead and the shell was being thrown into the water =). in singapore if you do that it will be considered as littering and will be fined. so it was the 1st time we did this and it was fun =)
at noon we visited the kaylong near by.
get to know alot of different type of fish
in this 4m By 4m ''Fish tank'' there is about 3000-4000 fish living in it =D

at night, we play wif fireworks. yeah fireworks not these sparkles that is on the stick. we bought a few types. Fireworks are very dangerous lar...theres one time we lit a firework and it did not shoot up into the sky but exploded instead. ths sound was damn loud and sparks flew around but none got hurt =D. Then theres another incident which the fireworks sparks flew in the direction we are standing. that damn spark miss me by a few inches if not i will not be here ler. However none got hurt too so we are all very lucky xD
some pics of the fireworks...
when this is lit, it will fly in a circular motion which look like UFO xD

when this is lit, it will fly in a circular motion which look like UFO xD

this stick have contains 30 sparks in it and to fire it just lit it and wave it around =D(sounds like a magic wand)

i love this the most...

then for the finale
the 5 storyhigh fireworks which look like the ones on national day
it fires 36 times so its cool and we bought 2 of these =)

day 2
wake up at 9 then ate breakfast and went to walk around town
ate again at 12 and we journey back to sg ler
on the way we stop at bonten(sounds strange) shopping mall to shop shop
bought a few things then head straight home ler..
i go rest ler buhbye =D
p.s more pics will be uploaded soon =)
Muahahahahaha @
5:43 PM