went to eat seoul garden wif mr fong today =)
first i wan to thank mr fong for the treat xD
the people who went for the meal include me, mr fong, wee kit, yong zheng, kelvin, eugene, and wee liang. i think it was quite cheap as the meal was too filling and theres alot of choices: there are wide range of meat + drinks(free flow) + seafood + ice cream and alot of stuff which cost around $15++. it is something like a buffet but u need to cook the meat and stuff. but theres is one complain..
THEY SHOULD PROVIDE GLOVES.the meat will sizzle and it will burn your hand while you cook the meat. it happen so often that you will kind of get use to it after awhile.
Yong zheng like to eat teriyaki chicken as almost all the meat he ate is teriyaki
Kelvin like to eat siew mai wif ice cream. Strange huh? dunno what it taste like?
Wee kit like to eat dong fen and he put a huge amount of it in to the small cooking soup bowl.
Wee Liang likes to eat ice cream.he ate before, during and after the meal.
Then me , eugene and fong fong eat more variety of food. so is like normal lar
jia hao, hwee teng,doreen,teng zhou didnt join us as they came late and when they came its already full house.so they shop around before meeting us when we finish our meal.
all of us ate until we are so full that we can barely walk =)
wanted to catch the movie YESMAN so we bought tickets.we went ard the shopping mall to walk walk as well as digest the food. went to toy'r'us . we play almost all the 'Try Me' we could find. u can say we purposely wan to waste their batteries der lar xD
went to watch YESMAN after walking alot and it was quite a funny movie. the moral of the story is to say YES to everything.
Pictures Time =)

The pit use by me, eugene, yz and fong...Clean right?

The pit use by wk, wl, and kel...they made it even worse and had to change another pit.Theres the dong fen that wk like.lols

Their second pit.Btw their soup base is kimchi but it look more like curry to me

Lastly, chief wk der creation.Beef pepper lunch.kel ate it =)
i let my sis use com ler. buhbye =)
Muahahahahaha @
8:38 PM